Active Projects 

Over the years we have been involved in many different projects that effect the health and connected resilience of our community. 


The Salish Seed Guild is undertaking a project to grow out crops specifically adapted to our bioregion so that we can share them at the seed swap and distribute them through the foodbank, schools and other community organizations. This project will teach gardening, seed saving and breeding skills through volunteer work parties and workshops

Spring Community Seed Swap


Every spring we organize a Seed Swap event. At this event we can come together as a community to share seeds, tell stories and plan for the future. 

Bring your seeds to share and your home made, hand crafted, wild harvested, or home grown items to barter or sell. Meet amazing gardeners! Many local gardeners have unusual seeds adapted to our bioregion.


The Skillshare Fare is a place where people of all ages can come together and share new and old skills that strengthen our resilience as a community. The goal of Cascadia Skillshare is to help maintain all kinds of useful, handy, and practical skills and showcase some new ones.


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